2022index intro
About Us
With the demand for talents and the promotion of university R&D affairs, it is imperative for high-quality resources and talents from industries to participate in university R&D affairs and to jointly cultivate high-level technological talents so as to strengthen the competitiveness of Taiwan’s core strategic industries. Taipei Tech values both research and craftsmanship, aiming to devote its strengths in becoming an internationally renowned technology university. As an excellent R&D partner of SMEs, Taipei Tech features the pioneer in industry-university research and development base. Working with Taipei university alliance and technology universities to cultivate high-quality cadres for enterprises, Taipei Tech enhances students’ employability, reduces the gap between learning and doing, and creates a win-win environment with social co-prosperity.
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2022index boxs
Industry Bridging
Interdisciplinary Talent Cultivation

Artificial Intelligence

Smart Railway

Information Security